Toy Soldiers Wiki


The Mortars shooting mortar shells high in the air, effectively dropping them on infantry groups and heavily armored units in a devastating manner. They are an important unit when it comes to anti-tank defense in close combat. They do not need a direct line of fire to the target and can also hit targets behind a large rock or a level higher or lower than them.

Their disadvantage, however, is that their grenades take time to hit the ground, because of that you have to aim a little bit in front of the target and sudden changes in the enemy's movement (suddenly stops, changes direction, ...) can cause the mortar shell to miss its target .

Tier 1 Priest Thrower[]

"Most effective against things that can't scurry out of the way. Like bunkers, barbare wires, and war turtles.


Tier 2Pinapple Tosser[]

"The middle child of the mortar family. Haunted by the notion that it must work harder to gain attention."


Tier 3 The Minenwerfer[]

"Like the most fashionable girl at a party, the shells take their sweet time to arrive... but get everyonce's attention once they have."



  • While the AI ​​has to reload after each shot, the player can fire three times in a row if he controls a mortar.